Friday, April 11, 2003

Entry ni akan saya buat dalam bahasa Melayu kerana saya tak ada kerja. Hari-hari hidup saya melepak. Apa nak jadi dengan saya. Sekarang saya tengah lepak kat Atrium kat sekolah. Selamat!!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Aaargh!!! My computer monitor is not working. I have to use the school computer for now. I wonder when when I can save enough money to get a new monitor. I still have my friggin' bills to pay.

On a serious note, I found out that my good friend Fahmi has liver damage. Now I'm depressed again...

Thursday, April 03, 2003

done a shitload of stuff. too lazy to write it down. beats the purpose of having a blog innit?
let's just write bout today.
i basically slacked the whole day cos school's cancelled bcos of the SARS thing.
slcked at faza's place, slacked under my block n slacked at home. wat more to write.